Ordering from Veni Graphics

Steps to ordering from Veni Graphics, Inc.

  1. Download Order Form Below. Complete and Fax, E-mail or Send with your master and or Artwork to Veni Graphics, Inc. Alternately, complete and provide Purchase Order.
  2. Download Templates for the DVD page of this website.
  3. Complete your graphic design.
  4. Send your graphic design to Veni Graphics on a CD or upload files to FTP site.       Upload Artwork
  5. Email or call with questions. Download order form.

Suggestions for submitting graphic design

  1. Consider letting Veni Graphics completely handle your graphic design.
    See our graphic design page for a great deal (click here).
  2. If you provide your own graphic design, we recommend using main stream graphic design software. We prefer Photoshop, Indesign and/or Illustrator files.
  3. If using Indesign or Illustrator outline the text so that there are no font issues.
  4. Submit your Photoshop, Indesign and/or Illustrator files as native layered files.
  5. If you are using other software for your graphic design export your files to an EPS, TIFF or JPEG file. 300 DPI is an ideal resolution for most items.
  6. Be sure to include 1/8 bleed beyond the cut lines.
  7. Call Don at Veni Graphics 763-434-4881 with your graphic design questions.